Friday, October 24, 2014


It took 4 tries to get this sort of right....

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Calvin and Hobbes

I forgot there were some in progress pics. And then some other projects I still need to work on. I have no idea what I'm going to do with some of it, I made too much and can't overdo the Christmas party donations or people there will think I do this nonstop. Which I do.

Merit Badges So Far

71. That's how many I've made. I have a pile of about 30 more ready to paint and every time a friend sees them they give me more ideas. This will never end. I suppose this is for the greater good in the end. I need to get these out of my system so I can concentrate on my Colbert/Zod painting. Which I need to actually start.

And coming soon

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Baby Quilts!

I caught up! I started one then changed my mind and went a different direction.  One nephew is so cute and sweet and thinking about him making it helped with the design.