I started this while family was visiting because I needed a project to focus on that would keep me occupied in between activities. There were a lot.
It's all acrylic and then sewn. I actually painted too many squares and the whole thing would have been much larger so some didn't make the cut. If there's another baby it might get the sequel.
I have no idea how many times I watched the movie, paused, drew or painted or took notes. All the way through close to 10. On without sound maybe another 10.
When I sketched out the old couple I remember that the little old man got all the way up the cliff and was facing his wife lecturing the entire time.
This gave me nightmares as a kid.
This one was larger but had to be trimmed to fit with the rest of the quilt.
I loved working on Falkor though it took a long time to get right. After he was dry I added Angelina Fiber and free motion quilted it to his back.
An angled view of the quilting.
I tried to match up with the rocky cliff in the sewing.
I don't sew over the whole thing but instead pick out a few parts that need the texture.
The back is a few different colors wetted and then sprayed and salted. It has a nice effect on the paint.